SUNY SURC at Suffolk
Friday, April 26 • Michael J. Grant Campus • Brentwood, NY
This year's event is hosted at Suffolk County Community College on April 26, and at the University at Buffalo on April 15, 2024. The SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC) is a multidisciplinary spring semester event. SURC brings together undergraduate students and faculty mentors from across the SUNY system for a full day of activities, including sessions devoted to student presentations, a luncheon, keynote speakers, and professional development workshops for students and faculty. SURC is supported by the Offices of the Chancellor, Provost, and Research Foundation, as well as SUNY student and faculty governance organizations. All undergraduate students engaged in research and their mentors across SUNY are invited to attend.
Oral and Poster Abstracts
An abstract is a concise summary of a student’s longer work, such as a research paper. It provides valuable insights into the background, methods, results, and conclusions of the project.
View the Oral and Poster Abstracts for the SURC conference on April 26